Many are still baffled by Lady Gaga’s dramatic Grammy entrance on Sunday, and the woman behind the egg that rocked the red carpet breaks it down for Access Hollywood – including the fact that is wasn’t an egg!
“It’s actually a vessel,” Laurieann Gibson, Gaga’s choreographer and creative director, told Access.
“She was incubating, in birthing the new race, she had to go through a DNA transition, so before she was born, we had to actually transfer her in a med box to keep the process going,” she said of the “Born This Way” singer, who emerged from the vessel with horns growing from her body.
“The vessel represents the incubation period. The time where you’ve got to deal with the pain, let it go… It’s a representation of what people feel every day,” she continued. “What really shocks me is that [the media is] trying to break this thing down. You can’t break down greatness, you’re either in or your not!”
Laurieann, who also works with Diddy, Alicia Keys, Katy Perry and The Jonas Brothers, said the Hussein Chalayan-inspired vessel took the Jim Henson Company a month to construct. However, she’d also like the public to pay as much attention to Gaga’s musical skills.
“Did you hear the way she sang? Did you see the way she danced and sang!” she told Access. “I’m gonna tell you, 80 percent of the artists… in the music industry could not hang with her singing and dancing.”
Laurieann has seen the upcoming video for Gaga’s “Born This Way,” and warns that more greatness is ahead.
“I actually saw the [music video] last night,” she added. “So, get ready… It’s beyond!”
If you aren’t already then be sure to follow Laurieann Gibson aka “BoomKack” on Twitter by clicking here


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